59er Golden Reunion Directory

59er Golden Reunion Directory
59er Golden Reunion Directory

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Kitty Kitty

Recently I had a request from a 69er through a 67er as to a game called "kitty kitty" that we used to play in school.

I had vague memories about it, so I circulated the question to my 59er colleagues through our Google Group.

In a flash came the reply from David Colaco who lives in England.

Here is how he described kitty kitty:

One team bent down in the form of a long horse against a wall or similar non moveable object. The other team ran one at a time and jumped on the line of boys bent down in the form a long horse. They tried to jump and land heavily trying hard to collapse the horse.

Once all the boys had jumped on the horse, they, (led by captain of the team on top) shouted kitty kitty kitty and the captain put a number of fingers up.

The team heavily laden had to guess the number. Only after they had guessed it correctly they had a chance to reverse roles.

I believe 3 guesses were only given or else the team on top had another go at running and collapsing the horse!

I did remember most of the game except the bit about the number guessing.

Thank you David for explaining the game - and I do remember it was great fun.

The second question is whether it was a free time game or was it one we played during PT! I sort of remember it being a PT game!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yep David you got it right !! Thanks !!
We played this game during our breaks and not during PT classes,usually we played in the corridor on the ground floor near the entrance to the school.
An addition to the rules , if a member of the team jumping on the " horse " either fell off the "horse" or his leg touched the floor before the " horse" collapsed then they were disqualified and had to be the "horse".