59er Golden Reunion Directory

59er Golden Reunion Directory
59er Golden Reunion Directory

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

60 Today - Monty

Wishing Monty Wilson a very very happy 60th birthday, today.

Here is a lovely family photograph at the Kentucky Derby (2002).

(Click to see enlarged images)

Eldest son Shane and his wife Sandy, Monty's wife Cynthia, younger son Dale and Monty at the Kentucky Derby (2002)

Eldest son Shane and his wife Sandy, Monty's wife Cynthia,
younger son Dale and Monty

Here are a very handsome formal looking Monty with his beautiful better half, Cynthia.

Monty with his wife Cynthia

Monty with his wife Cynthia

And here is a picture of Monty relaxing at the Niagara falls.

Monty at the Niagara Falls

Monty at the Niagara Falls

There is a rainbow in this picture. Let us wish that on this 60th birthday, Monty is reinvigorated onwards, like that beautiful colourful rainbow, to a new, healthy and happy long long productive life.

A very sincere happy 60th birthday, Monty!

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