59er Golden Reunion Directory

59er Golden Reunion Directory
59er Golden Reunion Directory

Monday, February 12, 2007

"The treasures"...

56er Ubi is overjoyed but has a request for 68er Nangia.

Hi Jacob,

I was beginning to wonder if I was the only one of your readers who
remembered the Chronicill!!

I was very pleased to read the snippet by Ravi Nangia. It brought back memories.

I had quite forgotten about Lincoln. He was the Head Clerk in charge of dispensing all school materials from stationery to school/house/games shirts, belts, badges and all sundry items.

If I remember correctly, our school fees also had to be tendered to him. He had his "office" on the first floor on the right hand side, as you came up the front stairs. There was a counter between him and us where all the business was transacted.

He was a rather thin person, of darkish complexion, for some reason was fond of black trousers and was hyper active. He also played the piano every moning for the assembly
to sing the hymns!

I wonder if it is asking too much of Ravi Nangia to kindly copy the publication in which CJO's article appeared, in its entirety, and send it to me? I shall be pleased to bear the cost of such an excercise.

The wonder of this blogsite and the treasures it continues to throw up!



I sort of remember two such counters, one on the first floor where we paid school fees, and the other on the second. The second floor counter was where, I sort have faint recollection, we could buy school stationary, books, sports shirts, etc. I cannot remember who manned that.

The other room I remember rather well was the "Tuck Shop" where we all rushed to if we had a small pieces of bus money left. Usually manned by Willie Shiri when I got there, but other staff members were also involved but for the life of me I cannot remember whom. Can anyone remind me what we bought at the Tuck Shop?

I spent a lot of 4 annas (or was it 8 annas) getting games against the top 10 table tennis players as we could leave our challenge money there.

I do not remember Lincoln playing the piano. I sort of remember Charles Velu being there, but occasionally remember some lady teacher doing the honours.

Stay tuned as some great photos will soon be appearing on the blog. Tell everyone to check in as the master photographer is now winging his way from Mumbai to Toronto with disks full of goodies.

He has just reported another "success". Fantastic news about locating another 59er.

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