59er Golden Reunion Directory

59er Golden Reunion Directory
59er Golden Reunion Directory

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Cathedral Boy's School Staff of 1956

As requested by 56er HS Uberoi (more commonly known to us as Ubi) I have created Sepia Tone images of the 1956 Staff at the Boys School which you can find at this special web page.

Sadly, although I know the names of most of the staff, I am either not sure of the initials or the correct spelling. Would any of you who could help me send me the complete name for each of the pictures. I would be most grateful if you would also correct any mistakes that I have made.

I must thank Willie Shiri and 59er Hasnain Chinwalla, both in Toronto, Canada, for sending me the original photograph scanned at a high enough resolution to help me create this web page.

Once complete, I will add this link as a pictures page in the side links, leading eventually to pages for each year. For that your cooperation is required by feeding me the photographs at high enough resolution as well as the complete names of the staff.

Imagine, 125 such pages. Yes, I can imagine!

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